Clubs and Organizations
If you see a club you are interested in or want to start your own, stop by SALO on the Lakeland or Winter Haven campus and the JDA Center to find out how to charter your own club with fellow students! Contact Student Government at:
+ American Sign Language Honor Society - WH & LK
The National ASLHS organization encourages and recognizes high academic achievement in ASL studies for college and university students. The mission of the Polk State College American Sign Language Honor Society is to spread awareness about Deaf Culture, promote the use of ASL, sponsor service-learning events, and support activities that benefit Deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals here in Polk County.
Contact: Diana Cobble.
+ Art Club - WH
Promotes, prepares, and educates students pursuing a career in all mediums of visual arts. For more information, please contact advisors Holly Scoggins at 863.297. 1061 or or David Woods at 863.292.3641 or or Andrew Coombs at 863.297.1010 X5150 or
+ Black Student Union - WH
Provides members cultural awareness and pride within the African American society by organizing enjoyable, educational, and cultural events at Polk State College.
For more information, please contact advisor:
Austin Dollison
Phone: 863.298.6800
Email: Book Club (WH)
Book Club (WH)
Polk State Book Club aims to bring students together to celebrate a shared love of literature. We strive to broaden their horizons by introducing them to new genres and authors they may not have explored before.
Brittany Mullis
Ext: 5319 Brother 2 Brother (Students for African American Brotherhood) - WH
Promotes recognition for and involvement of African American students with the intention of creating a strong voice on campus and making an impact on decisions regarding students of the college community. For more information, please contact advisor Otis Wilson (JDA).
+ Cardiovascular Club - Airside West
For more information, please contact advisor Kevin Ferrier at 863.669.2947 or
+ Chi Alpha (Christian Club) - WH
The mission of Chi Alpha is to reconcile students to Jesus Christ, thereby transforming the College, the marketplace, and the world. Chi Alpha’s mission motto is “Every student goes, every student gives, every student prays, and every student welcomes.” To this end, the organization is committed to a five-fold philosophy: being a community of worship, prayer, fellowship, discipleship, and mission. For more information, please contact advisor Luis Fernandez at 863.292.3678 or
+ Comics, Animation and Cinema Club - LK
To share with the Polk State community and beyond various social and artistic concerns raised in the comic and cinema medium. For more information, please contact advisor Derek Menchan at 863.669.2928 or
+ Cyber Club
The Polk State College Cyber Club is a dynamic student organization focused on the ever-evolving field of cybersecurity. It offers members the opportunity to engage in activities related to cybersecurity operations, analysis, computer forensics, system security, and ethical hacking. The club aims to provide a platform for students to develop their technical skills, network with professionals, and prepare for careers in cybersecurity. Through participation, students can expect to gain hands-on experience and insights into the latest trends and challenges in the cybersecurity landscape. For more information contact, Johnny Stewart 863-669-2802, or Freddie Acevedo, 863-669-4918
+ Flight Team
The Flight Team was created to compete in the National Intercollegiate Flying Association’s Safety and Flight Evaluation Conference. (NIFA SAFECON)
There are two main events during the year. The Regional competition is in November and the National Competition is in May.
All students with an interest in aviation are invited to join. They don’t need to be a pilot since half the events are academic events related to aviation.
For more information check out our webpage or contact:
Maria Jodoin
863.298.6858 ext. 4092 Florida Future Educators of America - LK and WH
Inspires competent young people to consider teaching as a career. Provides members with the knowledge and experiences that develop dispositions and aptitudes essential to successful teaching.
The advisor for Educators is Steve Lagrande,
+ Florida Nursing Students Association (FNSA)
Provides nursing students with the necessary support and guidance to prepare for professional nursing responsibilities. FNSA promotes leadership, education, and allows members to gain critical skills and experience to enhance their future nursing profession. FNSA encourages participation in community outreach activities to promote improved health care and the resolution of related social issues. Members can inspire others by participating in volunteer activities such as public awareness campaigns, health fairs, education seminars, and blood drives, as well as interdisciplinary activities at Polk State College. Members who join FNSA become members of the National Student Nurses Association (NSNA) as well. FNSA is a constituent of the NSNA and promotes collaborative relationships with professional nursing organizations on the state and national levels. FNSA serves as a channel of communication between nursing students and various state and district units of professional nurses’ associations. Membership is open to any student who is currently enrolled or is planning to enroll in the nursing program.
Students can go to: to self-enroll in the FSNA Course. You must be currently in the nursing program to be a member.
For more information or to join, please visit or contact one of the current officers or faculty advisors:
Amy Eaton –
Michelle Bissessar – Free to Be Me -LGBTQ+
Serves LGBTQ+ and allied students in supporting leadership programs, and more inclusive and welcoming services. Free to Be Me exists to develop, support, and give a voice to students and build future LGBTQ+ allies and student leaders. We are also a social club for all students regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. We celebrate Pride Month in June and LGBTQ History Month in October with programs about LGBTQ+ History, current issues, and history makers. For more information, contact Anthony Bates at
+ Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
FBLA inspires and prepares students to become community-minded business leaders in a global society through relevant career preparation and leadership experiences. As a member, you will develop competent, aggressive business leadership, and stronger self-confidence and participate in research. We explore enhanced interest in American business enterprise and community engagement. For more information contact, Salma Nawlo at
+ Golden Key International Honor Society - LK
To enable students to reach their potential through advancement of academics, leadership, and service. The key is to achieve the student’s personal, professional, and altruistic goals. For more information, please contact advisor Kendrick Pierre,, ext. 5399.
+ Honors Program Student Council
Provides highly motivated, talented students who wish to be challenged by an intellectually stimulating academic program and engages students through academic field trips. For more information, please contact: TBD
+ International Circle - LK
For students interested in awareness and understanding of the personal and professional experiences of individuals across the globe. For more information, please contact advisor Thelma Chicas at or 863.297.1010 ext. 6358
+ International Circle - WH
Provides opportunities for students interested in awareness and understanding of the personal and professional experiences of individuals across the globe. For more information, please contact advisors Bryan Rivers at 863.297.1010 ext 5814 or or Cary Gardell at 863.297.1010 X5156 or
+ Intervarsity Council - LK
A community of students who are compelled to serve, to grow, and to renew the campus through the love of Christianity. For more information, please contact advisor Simmi Johnson at
+ Intramural Sports - WH
Offers individual, dual, and team sports for male and female participants. Intramural activities range from traditional sports such as flag football, soccer, and basketball and non-traditional sports like ultimate Frisbee and dodgeball. For more information, please contact Blessen Jacob
+ Math Club - WH
Provides activities that encourage students to explore, enjoy, and appreciate mathematics. For more information, please contact advisor Li Zhou at 863.292.3643 or
+ Occupational Therapy Assistant Club - WH
The Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Club works under the supervision of an occupational therapist. The OTA teaches individuals with emotional, developmental, and/or physical disabilities new methods or techniques to perform daily activities, and adapts the environment, and/or tasks to maximize independent functioning. “Occupation” (purposeful activity) is used as a means of preventing, reducing, and/or overcoming physical, social, and emotional disabilities in people of all ages. This club is limited to students who are currently admitted into the OTA program. For more information on the OTA program at Polk State, please refer to the program webpage
For more club information, please contact advisor Annette Bullard at 863.297.1010 or email
+ Polk State Student SHRM Club
The Polk State College chapter of the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) Chapter will support students’ professional development, and connect them directly with employers/organizations in the community and industry. In addition, the chapter’s activities will provide experiential learning opportunities for students who are interested in developing their competencies and skills.
For more information or to get access to club information and the Canvas resource information, email one of the club advisors: Matina Wagner at or Jose Perez at
+ PTA (Physical Therapist Assistant) - WH
Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) Club is the official organization of the Polk State College Physical Therapist Assistant Program. The objectives of this organization are:
- To promote interest in physical therapy on campus and in the community among members and nonmembers.
- To maintain communication with other physical therapy students in the state and across the nation.
- To provide a forum for discussion between students and faculty members of the educational goals, policies, and problems within the program as they relate to student education and affairs.
- To engage in campus and community activities to further the dissemination of knowledge of the practice of physical therapy.
The PTA Club welcomes students that are interested in the PTA career. The members are composed of:
- Active: Students who are presently enrolled in the professional level of the physical therapist assistant program.
- Affiliate: Students enrolled in the pre-physical therapy curriculum and students with an active interest in physical therapy as a profession.
- Honorary: Physical therapy faculty and those persons designated by a majority vote of the active and affiliate membership.
- Alumni: Students who have graduated from Polk State College’s PTA Program.
For more information, please contact advisor Regina Tino at 863.669.2906 or
+ Radiography Club - Airside
For more information, please contact advisor Jamie Selph.
+ Respiratory Care Club
To promote collocation between the respiratory care students by assisting the faculty in developing and implementing marketing strategies for the program and promoting campus and community awareness about respiratory care.
Jordan Emro
863-298-6874 SGA (Student Government Association) - LK, WH, Centers
Student Government is the governing organization and representative of the student body, and its actions supersede those of all other student organizations and provides students with an active voice in the administrative and legislative matters concerning the student body. For more information contact us at
+ SISTERS (Strong, Independent, Sisters, that Encourage, Respect and Survive)
SISTERS (Strong, Independent, Sisters, that Encourage, Respect, and Survive) build unity and trust between young ladies for the purpose of influencing an academic, professional, and social foundation that will establish long-lasting relationships and future opportunities. For more information, please contact advisor Yulonda Bell (WH) at, or contact 863.297.1010 ext. 5430.
+ Sonography Club - Airside
For more information, please contact advisor Merrybeth Etherton at 863.297.1010 X4068 or
+ Speech & Debate Team - LK
+ Unete Club-Hispanic Club
The Unete Club aims to help connect Spanish-speaking students with other students on campus, to create an environment of support, cultural awareness, professional development, educational opportunities, leadership skills and social and political involvement. Through the collaboration of other student clubs and organizations, Unete! Will promote diversity, and reinforce our college’s mission to transform lives through the power of education and to celebrate diversity.
For more information, please contact the below advisors:
Jeannette Grullon: WH Campus
jgrullon@vko29.comSusan Vanbenthuysen,
+ Visual Arts Society of Polk State College - WH
To promote, prepare, and educate students pursuing a career in all mediums of visual arts. For more information, please contact advisor Andrew Combs at 863.292.1010 X5150 or
+ Weightlifting Club
The Polk State College Weightlifting Club is a safe place for students to develop healthy habits that promote positive life balance. With kindness and encouragement, the club hopes to create an atmosphere that strengthens the body while building lasting relationships within the student body. For more information, contact Rashod Webb,, 863.669.2924